Scott Kelly Spent a Year in Space and Now His DNA Is Different From His Identical Twin's Astronaut Scott Kelly, who spent a full year in space as part of a groundbreaking NASA mission, is no longer an exact genetic match with his identical twin brother Mark Kelly, according to a new study. - 편입영어 / 공무원영어 - 어휘 astronaut 우주비행사 groundbreaking 획기적인 identical twin 일란성 쌍둥이 match with ~ 와 일치 - 편입영어 / 공..
Any question ok !! Leave questions.. Gre Prep Text Completion & Sentence Completion from Big Book 1. The commission criticized the legislature for making college attendance dependent on the ability to pay, charging that, as a result, hundreds of qualified young people would be ------ further education. (A) entitled to (B) striving for (C) deprived of @ (D) uninterested in (E) participating in cl..
Any question ok !! Leave questions.. Gre text completion, sentence completion 은 편입영어에서는 논리완성 또는 문장완성으로 불리웁니다. 정확한 단서를 바탕으로 답을 논리적으로 추론하는 능력을 키우는 것이 핵심입니다. 풀어보시고 질문 남겨주세요. Part I 1. Social scientists have established fairly clear-cut ------ that describe the appropriate behavior of children and adults, but there seems to be ------ about what constitutes appropriate behavior for adolescents. (A) f..
Just before 7:30 one Friday morning last March, Alejandro said goodbye to his wife Maria and his two small daughters and headed off to work. He didn’t make it far. Four blocks from his home near Bakersfield, Calif., two unmarked vehicles, a white Honda and a green Mazda pickup truck, pulled up behind him at a stop sign. Plain-clothes Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents spilled out. ..
Any question ok !! Leave questions.. Gre text completion, sentence completion 은 편입영어에서는 논리완성 또는 문장완성으로 불리웁니다. 정확한 단서를 바탕으로 답을 논리적으로 추론하는 능력을 키우는 것이 핵심입니다. 풀어보시고 질문 남겨주세요. ---------------------------------------------------------- Part I 1. The discovery that, friction excluded, all bodies fall at the same rate is so simple to state and to grasp that there is a tendency to ------ its significance..
------------ Part I --------------- 1. Although the feeding activities of whales and walruses give the seafloor of the Bering Shelf a devastated appearance, these activities seem to be actually ------ to the area, ------ its productivity. (A) destructive..counterbalancing (B) rehabilitative..diminishing (C) beneficial..enhancing (D) detrimental..redirecting (E) superfluous..encumbering 1-1. US a..
Any question ok !! Leave questions.. Gre text completion, sentence completion 은 편입영어에서는 논리완성 또는 문장완성으로 불리웁니다. 정확한 단서를 바탕으로 답을 논리적으로 추론하는 능력을 키우는 것이 핵심입니다. 풀어보시고 질문 남겨주세요. 1. Although providing wild chimpanzees with food makes them less ------ and easier to study, it is also known to ------ their normal social patterns. (A) interesting..reinforce (B) manageable..upset (C) shy..disrupt (D) poised...
Any question ok !! Leave questions.. Gre text completion, sentence completion 은 편입영어에서는 논리완성 또는 문장완성으로 불리웁니다. 정확한 단서를 바탕으로 답을 논리적으로 추론하는 능력을 키우는 것이 핵심입니다. 풀어보시고 질문 남겨주세요. ----------- 1. In the British theater young people under thirty-five have not had much ------ getting recognition onstage, but offstage--in the ranks of playwrights, directors, designers, administrators--they have mostly been r..
어떤 질문도 환영합니다. 문제에 대한 질문과 정답 문의는 댓글로 남겨주세요. Any question ok !! Plz, leave your question. GRE Text completion 즉.. Sentence completion 이라고 불리우는 파트는 말그대로 정확한 단서를 통해 논리적으로 정답을 유추하는 능력을 물어보는 것을 목적으로 합니다. 대충 해석을 하는 것이 지양해야 합니다. 편입영어에서는 " 논리완성 " 이라는 파트로 수업이 이루어지고 있습니다. ---------- 1. The senator's reputation, though ------ by false allegations of misconduct, emerged from the ordeal ------. (A) shaken..un..
kick the bucket : 죽다 [ 사전 정의 ] Phrase used to say someone is dead or has deceased. Term is derived from when suicides were common by a person preparing to hang themself, and used a bucket to stand on, and then kicked the bucket when suicide was desired. 누군가가 죽었다는 것을 말하기 위해 사용되는 어구이다. 이 용어는 목을 메어 자살을 준비할때 양동이에 올라서서 차버린후 죽게되는 상황에서 유래한 용어이다. ex) The old man knew of a buried treasure but he kicked..
2. rule of thumb 의 미 : 어림짐작, 일반적인 경험 rough measure, a basic rule based on experience) / 경험에 의하여 체득된 지식 및 법칙을 말하는 것으로 실험법칙이라고도 한다. * by [the] rule of thumb, as a rule of thumb 일반적으로, 경험상으로 ex) - As a rule of thumb, plant tomato seeds three inches deep. 일반적으로 토마토 씨는 땅 속 3인치 깊이에 심어라. - One handy rule of thumb is that cough plus fever, in a community where the flu is already circulating, equals flu ..
1. ring true 의 미 : 진짜인 것처럼 들리다, 설득력 있어 보이다 (sounds or seems believable) - City officials contend that they were overwhelmed by administrative duties, but their explanation doesn't ring true. 시의 공무원들은 자신들이 행정적인 과다한 업무에 치여 산다고 하지만 이러한 해명은 설득력이 없다. - It didn’t really ring true when you claimed you had been under the threat of spies. 당신은 간첩들의 위협에 처해 있었다고 주장하지만 진짜인 것 같지는 않다. - I personally don'..